Thursday, October 16, 2008

Daisy on the run

Today, I watched Daisy as she ran through the woods at the dog park. Her tail was flying high as she flew over a tree branch and then floated through a group of bushes. She looked as if she hadn't a care in the world, and to be honest, I hope she didn't have a one. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing your rescue dog, the one who used to freeze in fear at sudden movements or loud noises, being so carefree and happy. 

In December, it will have been a year since I adopted Daisy the Wonder Dog. I am constantly amazed at her progress, and still surprised by all the new things she learns and then incorporates into her repertoire. She is truly amazing. 

But, Daisy is like many dogs who had a bad beginning and just needed to be given a chance. We often write off  dogs as "too damaged" or as "too far gone". I can honestly say that we are selling them short if we think that nothing is possible. Just look at the Michael Vicks dogs. Used as fighting dogs, everyone said that they couldn't be saved, or retrained, or safe with humans or other dogs. And, yet, many of them are being adopted or have been adopted by loving owners who wanted to give them a chance. Just check out the story on Meryl.

I only found out a few weeks ago that my very own Daisy was one of those dogs that had been given up as "too damaged". She was going to be euthanized, but thanks to the loving kindness of her foster mom, she was given a chance at adoption. And, thank god, because I was the person lucky enough to get this gentle, kind and loving friend. She is truly a blessing in my life. 

So, as we hit the middle of October, also known as Adopt-a-Dog-Month at the Minnesota Valley Humane Society, I encourage you to consider giving a second-hand pet a chance. The rewards you get in return far outweigh the time, patience and commitment that you will put into your new friend. 

Daisy and I are also participating in the First Annual Pet 'Net Adoption Event, a blogging event being joined by many other pet bloggers. On the site you can see all the blogs that are participating, read some great adoption stories and learn more about pet adoption. 
I hope that you will consider adopting your next pet and save a wonder dog of your own. Daisy thanks you!


  1. What a great story. It is hard to imagine thinking of an animal as "to damaged." Especially with all of the unconditional love they offer.
